There is a certain question I've been asked a good many times in my life that I have not been answering correctly. That question being: "What kind of music do you listen to?" In my past I would always answer: "I don't listen to music." And well this is just not true. I do in fact listen to music, but the genres I'm usually provided do not really fit. The type of music I listen to is video game music.
It's not that I'm opposed to other types of music. My family has a truly diverse interest in music. Ranging from hip hop to classical. I'm more then happy to appreciate this music when I hear it around me. Though to be honest I do usually stray away from music with vocals. Not that I abhor it, but I do prefer to hear the actual instruments and beats more then I care for the words being said over them. Though silly songs such as those by Weird Al Yankovic can sometimes provoke me to sing along.
I may turn up the volume for whatever is on the radio as I'm driving somewhere, however, what I enjoy listening to is video game music. When I'm programming away or doing some chore around the house I like to play the original soundtrack of Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney or Earthbound. Now and then I really get absorbed into the music and lose myself in memories of playing the title where the music I'm listening to originated from. A great way to get myself pumped to completing a task is listening to Sonic Adventure 2's theme for City Escape. The music is great in and of itself, but the memories of perfect tricks off of ramps and well timed homing attacks are quick to make me inwardly smile.
Then there is just the fact that video game music is very impressionable. Mario is a great example. A lot of people who haven't even played Super Mario Bros will easily recognize the music from stages 1-1 and 1-2. The combination of music reused in different parts of a game and the fact the music itself is usually not that long of a loop causes you to hear it over and over again. Have you ever played Super Mario Bros 3? Try listening to literally one second of the themes to stages on the first world and then humming out the rest. I bet you'll be surprised how much you remember.
Now just because video game music is impressionable and more then likely has memories attached to it doesn't mean the actual compositions of sound can't stand on their own merit alone. I personally find Megaman 2's Crash Man theme and Castlevania Symphony of the Night's 'Dance of Pales' to be outstanding music that I would highly recommend to anyone. In fact both of those games just have amazing soundtracks all around. While recommending music let me also sneak in Star Fox's Corneria theme. Star Fox is so due a new installment in the franchise.
Anyways, I must ask, what kind of music do you like?
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Ever played Chrono trgger (Dos, DS)
the musics are awesome, at least I like them.