I have returned to programming! Sorry for the small delay. Let me show you what I've been up to.
I've been working on my notebook! Alright so is starts out looking like:
http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q255/Venks428 /NoteBook03.png
When 'Clues' is high lighted and the player presses 'X' then this code is run:
http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q255/Venks428 /CodeSnippet.png
The menu is equal to wClues(meaning write clues). Alright so we declare two variables i and j.
While i is less then parentA.arrayClues.length(the number of clues) then operate this loop:
Start of loop. If i is equal to 0 then add the name of the first clue to the variable j.
Add one to i.
i is still less then the number of clues so...
i is not equal to 0 this time so instead we do the next line of code:
If this clue is undefined then go down a line
But if the clue is defined then we do the next line:
If the clue is defined then go down a line and write the clue's name
This is repeated until i becomes equal to the amount of clues. Then we write the variable j which has all the clues stored in it. We set menu to 'Clues' meaning that everything has been written. The cursor's position is reset and we tell the cursor how many clues is now on the menu.
The end result being:
http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q255/Venks428 /NoteBook04.png
Yay programming! All the clues are presented ever so neatly!